What lights you up, why you are here, your passion and purpose? Awaken into the fullest version of yourselves at midlife. There’s value in women over 50 in what we have learned and the wisdom we share with the younger generations and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: Firestarter based on
My Learning from A Treadmill
Learn how a treadmill was manifested and the intuitive work need to get it into the house. A wish was born. I wish I had a treadmill, then I’d go for a walk. The wish moved on to a want. The want can stay a want, until you can make a decision. Once a decision
Ania Grimone | Fear Is A Useful Emotion
In the mist of transition there is always one things that appears. If fear is your primary though and driving force, trying to eliminate fear is not what you want to do. Emotions are just information. They are action signals, telling us what’s going on. Fear is just a signaling device that is saying pay
Spyce | Boundaries so You Don’t End Up in an Unhealthy Relationship, Again!
Boundaries are all about self-care. What’s going to work for you and what’s going to keep you safe? We set-up boundaries from a place of trauma, something that happened to us and we say I’ll never go through that again. We use boundaries as a shield. In reality we need to use boundaries as a
3 Types of Energy and the Difference between Them
The people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behavior, attitudes and results we get out of life. They affect your attitudes and behaviors. Eventually you start to think like they think and behave like they behave. It’s important to be thoughtful about what you expose yourself to in regards to learning
Mastering Your State: Retraining Your Brain
Mastering your internal state doesn’t have to be hard when you know what to look out for. On this podcast you will learn how to transform a bad situation that’s full of regret into a wonderful opportunity for success, gratitude and happiness. Show Highlights: Are you living in regret or maybe resentment? Maybe, you are dwelling
Bonnie Bonadeo | The BEaUty of Your Personal Brand
Branding is more about who we are verse what we do. A personal brand looks at the whole person. We are the same person inside. If we can translate all parts of who we are to all parts of your life then we will better connect with others. Uncover the personal brand that you are…
The Stress and Pressures of Money
Are you stressed that you don’t have enough money or always worrying about how to get more money? If we keep this habit of stress and pressure going day after day it then becomes your destiny, because you are sending the same energy of stress and pressure out into the Universe. The good news is
Nancy Rose | Reconnect with Yourself
She helps women on the journey to reconnect with their highest self, so that they can now live from love, compassion, and abundance where anything is possible and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: What is a Light Diamond Priestess? We all heard about 2012, it opened up all the energies
Transforming Struggle into Easy with the Angels
Have you ever been in that place where life gets so busy that you forget all your tools? You’re doing whatever you can just to get through the day. You’re feeling so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open, feeling lost and sliding backwards. The Angels answered by saying, “My child you are never