The Stress and Pressures of Money

Are you stressed that you don’t have enough money or always worrying about how to get more money? If we keep this habit of stress and pressure going day after day it then becomes your destiny, because you are sending the same energy of stress and pressure out into the Universe.

The good news is that you can change this. You can change this style of thinking. You can change the same old feeling and you can change your behaviors.

Show Highlights:

When we feel that we don’t have enough money we stress and worry about it. This puts pressure on us.

We start feeling like we are carrying a hundred pound on our back. Our energy gets lower and we stop laughing.

Have you ever felt this way?

Then our body starts to act up. Our stomach hurts or we have heartburn. Our blood pressure goes up and we don’t know why. We are living in a consistent fight or flight mode of survival.

The worst part is this stress and pressure repeats day after day until this style of thinking and feeling becomes a habit.

Then it becomes part of our personality. Your friends will start talking about you saying, “She always stressed or worrying about something.” 

If we keep this habit of stress and pressure going day after day it then becomes your destiny, because you are sending the same energy of stress and pressure out into the Universe.

The good news is that you can change this. You can change this style of thinking. You can change the same old feeling and you can change your behaviors.

The first step is…listen in for details.

Did you know you can’t find a solution when you are stressed out or anxious? You can’t manifest anything when you are worried and stressed.

It’s like a hamster on a wheel running in place going nowhere fast. You’re running in place going around and around and nothing is happening.

Here’s a good way to change any and though that taking you down a rabbit hole. You’ll want to sing a song or mantra. This helps to shift your thoughts and feelings.

Pick a nursey rhyme like Mary had a little lamb or Old McDonald or anyone that you are drawn to. It really doesn’t what song you sing because you’ll be changing the lyrics…listen in for details on what to replace the nursey rhyme with. 

The key here is to have fun and …

When you are done signing your song you will have improved your thoughts and feelings.

Today’s action is to pick a song and sing it when you observe you are stressing or worrying about something. Have fun with your song. Leave a comment below and let me know how your song helped change either your thoughts or feelings.


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