6 Traits Wealthy People Have

The things wealthy people do are different than what most people do. They have a different mindset and belief about money. The rich think different. The poor want things but FEAR to go get it. The RICH want it they PUSH forward and go through the fear. There is a flip/switch that goes on in

Dr. Nancy Tarr Hart

Abundance verses flourishing. Most people think abundance is having cash. Abundance is really a knowing that in all areas of your life you are able to say I’m grateful for this. Turn your muckiness around to abundance. Acknowledge the yucky, by telling yourself I’m in this bad place, then find one thing that makes you

The Prosperity of Forgiving

Forgiveness is often over looked as one of the blocks to your success. Whether it be forgiving yourself or others forgiveness is a major piece of the abundance puzzle. How can one manifest when they are full of anger. Creativity comes when one is in a state of peace and calmness. Discover an easy way

Universal Truths About Manifesting

  The problem is lack of understanding the principles of abundance and the misjudgment of what is good and what is bad. Remember your thoughts are creative. When we think money is bad and that you, yourself are a good person. There is a part of you that rejects money. Here is the easiest way

Penni Zelinkoff | Not Good Enough

Do you ever feel not good enough? Not good enough can show up in a period, a season or in a certain area of your life. We have learned this feeling of not good enough from our past. Discover Penni’s process of Stop-Drop-and Roll to shift your mindset and feelings of not good enough. Listen