Kavita Melwani | Shifting Beliefs Around Money

Discover why shifting beliefs around money is so important. Do you say things like, “She’s so rich?” “I have to work my butt off.” “If you have a lot of money you are tied down.” “You have to work hard for money.” Healing your relationships with money is one of the first steps you want to take. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:
-Healing your relationships with money is one of the first steps you want to take.
-Searching, “Why I’m not making money, what do I need to change?” Looking at the external for the answers.
-It’s really about how you are showing up. What you are thinking about money? What do you think your worth is?
-How many of us think if I change the external I’ll feel better about myself?
-Shift beliefs around money, start with your story. Do you say things like, “She’s so rich? I have to work my butt off. If you have a lot of money you are tied down. You have to work hard for money”.
-Beliefs carry an emotion with it. Is the emotion fear or blocking yourself some way? The emotions impact our behavior.
-Showing up with fear energy repels people, but if you show up with gratitude energy you’ll attract people to you.
-Being visible and seen, then contract. Why? Introverts need time to recover. Highly sensitive person, your nervous system gets taxed and then you retreat. If you know this then you can plan some alone time and recovery time.
-Social media is like a comparison game. They are going on a great vacation and I have to stay home and work. How come their life is better than mine?
-Self-care tips-massage, baths, manicure. It’s important to go inwards, get away from the computer, and go outside, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. In doors, light a candle and use scent.
-We get confused and ask others what they think. Intuitive guidance is about after we have gather the information, going inside and connecting to see what really comes forth.
-Use visualization and mediation to go into the body, get out of your head, and feel your body. Notice if you have to do something you don’t want to do how that feels in the body. Then think of something that you really want to do and notice how that feels in the body. Now you know the difference.

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Kavita Melwani, is a Women’s Empowerment Coach, A highly-sensitive Woman, a mother to two beautiful boys. She is a serial entrepreneur who has owned and operated various businesses since 2003. The turning point in her life came when she started to work with a life coach to recognize her true gifts and calling.
She is on a mission to guide other heart-centered women find to find their voice, improve their self-worth, and feel comfortable in their own skin so they can attract abundant Lives.

Be sure to download your free MP3 meditation called Money, wealth and abundance at…. www.jolenphilbrook.com/gift.  As you listen to this audio it will unlock your prosperity from the inside out rewiring your mind to success and abundance.

For more interesting podcast check out: http://innerabundantmindset.com/podcast/

Have a question about the show or want to be a guest for a future show? Email me at: jolen@jolenphilbrook.com

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