Penni Zelinkoff | Not Good Enough

Do you ever feel not good enough? Not good enough can show up in a period, a season or in a certain area of your life. We have learned this feeling of not good enough from our past. Discover Penni’s process of Stop-Drop-and Roll to shift your mindset and feelings of not good enough. Listen in for details on how to feel good enough…

Show Highlights:

-Penni was going through a difficult time when she did some soul searching and realized she had a core belief of not good enough

-Not loveable and not good enough go hand in hand.

-Penni’s little brother got hurt and she was sent to her room to be dealt with later. She picked up the belief of not good enough or that she didn’t do her job well. 

-Not enough show up as: not pretty enough, not smart enough, not athletic enough

-Anything she didn’t do well as a child, punished for or had negative feedback, she believed she wasn’t good enough.

-Not good enough and the comparison game relate together

-Not good enough can show up in all areas of your life. In health, relationships, finances, parenthood, career.

-Not good enough can show up in a period of your life, a season or in a certain area of your life or you can have it your whole life.

-We all have it to a degree. It’s how you identify it, learn how to not have it at all or manage the pieces that happen to present its self in your life.

-Can’t do it right, have to redo it over and over again. Perfectionism can be a sign of not good enough.

-Not deserving can be related to not good enough

-We have learned this feeling of not good enough from our past. We have to go back to the past and uncover the first time we experienced that feeling.

-What we experienced as a child and what we interpreted, it’s a very good chance we incorporated that into our lives today.

-In our childhood something triggers us, that teaches us that feeling. It introduces it into our life for the first time

-It’s important to go back into your childhood and identify what happened and make a shift in your mindset

-Please me; we do it for one of two reasons. We want to look good or we want to please someone else. We want to avoid looking bad.

-Things just are. They are neither good nor bad.

-Situation comes up and you start to feel emotional.

-Put the feeling on the side and ask, “What’s happening around me?” “Why am I feeling that?” “Who’s involved and what’s happened in my past to trigger this?”

-Identify what’s happening in ourselves, then we can separate the feeling from the situation

-The situation just is. It’s not good or bad. The feeling is not good or bad. It just is

-Your body will react before your emotions, pause and ask yourself, “What just happened or was said?”

– Self-love; first we need to love ourselves, not only for who we are inside, but also forgive ourselves for what we do or not do.

-Forgiveness we do for others, but not for ourselves

– Have reminders and visual affirmations to remind yourself during the day that you are loved and good enough.

-Weight, health; look at why you are a certain weight. What’s the reason why you want to exercise ie longevity, didn’t want to take medicine 

–Love myself and love my body

-What’s happening in my life? She made a conscious choice to figure out what was happening mentally

-If something is happening in our life such as weight gain, it’s usually something that is happening with us mentally that we need to work on and figure out how to overcome the situation

-Process sounds simple, but it’s not.  Stop, drop and roll process

-Identify the area in your life you want to change. Go back by decades. Ask yourself, “What major event happened to me in that decade?”

-After you have identified the situation, then you can forgive the people or the situation and forgive yourself.

-Stop; you stop to process.

-Drop; you drop to your knees by meditating, prayer, journal. You want to understand what’s happening emotionally, with the circumstance and the people involved

-You don’t know what you don’t know. If you journal you will start to identify patterns, behaviors and feelings 

– Roll; away from your old thoughts. Roll into a new pattern, a new thought process, a new way on how you are going to handle it

-No matter what you are trying to change this process is what I recommend doing

-Every aspect of Penni’s life was a mess when she decided to take back her life.

-Pick one area to work on. Penni chose to work on her health, to take responsibility and change first. She needed a few wins under her belt before she tackled the other areas of her life.

-JJ Virgin health program, simple, easy and forgiving, understood health and released 20 lbs. no more aches and pains, helps self-correct

-Protect self; ask: do you need to continue self-protecting? Is the current way you are self-protecting the best and healthiest way to move forward?

-That situation and season is gone and we haven’t’ let go of whatever it is that we need to let go of

-Weight, not good enough and money; mindset, not self-confident, not asking for want you want, not feeling good enough to ask. It’s time to stop the self-sabotage.

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Connect with Guest:

Penni Zelinkoff has an extraordinary story of how she changed her life which fueled her mission to help others stand up to be their best selves and live their best lives.

She helps people “rehab” their mind to overcome the feelings and experiences of “not being enough” to “I am MORE than enough!”

She is a podcast host, speaker, trainer and business leader. She has trained and inspired thousands of people all over the world.  For more than 20 years with the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), she held leadership roles at the state, national and international levels.  She has presented at large keynote events, state-wide programs and at the Junior Chamber International World Congress in Vienna, Austria. 

She has traveled to 26 countries and has appeared throughout her career in radio, television and print media.  She draws on two decades of experience in sales, marketing, and spotting value for people, corporations, and organizations.


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