Shift Your Emotions to Manifest More Wealth

Learn how to increase your happiness in order to increase your wealth. Money is a neutral energy. It’s how you use it and think about it that creates the energy behind it. Most people want to contribute in order to make the world a better place, but some people stop themselves, because of the fear of success or the fear of failure. Unlimited wealth starts in the mind with focused energy. Financial success in not a miracle or is it not based on luck. It is simply the law of cause and effect. When you initiate the cause, you get the effect, which is money. Listen in for more details.


Show Highlights:

-Money of in and of its self is not good or bad, it just it. It’s a neutral energy. It is how you use it and think about it that creates the energy behind it.

-Money is made to circulate, to flow in and out, not to hang on to it and hoard it. Hoarding is coming from lack thinking instead of prosperity thinking.

-Some entrepreneurs may even think that they are depressed, because we are in a recession. We are depressed because we are tired unhappy, over worked in jobs that we may not like and not appreciated.

-Psychologists have found that your job or work has more to do with the person’s expression of self-worth and value than money.

-Most people want to contribute in order to make the world a better place, but some people stop themselves, because of the fear of success or the fear of failure.

-What is the difference between success and failure or between rich and poor. Listen in to learn more  

-Millions of people start with nothing and become wealthy as a result of doing certain things in a certain clear, directed way.

-Unlimited wealth starts in the mind with focused energy. Financial success in not a miracle or is it not based on luck. It is simply the law of cause and effect. When you initiate the cause, you get the effect, which is money.

-Intelligence has nothing to do with making money. It was more of how they thought. How they viewed life. It was their thought patterns and their habits. It was how they acted or behaved each and every day.

-Success, prosperity and abundance is something that can be learned.

-Most of us have a few limiting beliefs that we have been living repeatedly over and over day after day. 

-One of these beliefs is lack or less than enough, which creates financial hardship in our lives, illness and disease, or unsatisfactory relationships.

-Science is now stating these limiting beliefs are stuck energy. That is floating up to the surface of your conscious mind.

-The key is to let go of feelings that come up to the surface. Along with the feeling, there is always a thought that relates to the feeling and the event. 

-Have you ever thought that life is here to support you? That life wants to give you everything your heart has ever desired.

-Life is only mirroring back to you. What you are putting out there. If you are unhappy in your life right now, than when you get that new car. You’ll still be unhappy. The excitement and happiness of getting the new car is only temporary, because you never made the emotional shift to inner happiness.                                                     

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