Universal Truths About Manifesting


The problem is lack of understanding the principles of abundance and the misjudgment of what is good and what is bad. Remember your thoughts are creative. When we think money is bad and that you, yourself are a good person. There is a part of you that rejects money. Here is the easiest way to change a core belief. Listen in for details.


Show Highlights:

-The other day I was rereading Conversations with God. It was a good reminder of the things I learned and knew, but forgot over the years.

-Has ever happened to you? You’re be-bopping through life, then all of a sudden you find yourself in the same situation again wondering, why is this happening?

– Neal Donald Walsch asks God, “Why can’t I ever seem to attract enough money in my life?” Have you ever asked yourself questions like that?

-New Age teachers tell me that lack of anything is always traceable to lack of self-worth.

-God answers, Self-worth is not your problem. You are blessed with an abundance of it. Most people have self-worth.

-The problem is lack of understanding the principles of abundance and the misjudgment of what is good and what is bad.

-You carry a thought that money is bad and that God is good. Therefore your thought system of God and money do not mix.

-For me this goes into your belief system, such as you have to work hard for money. As a child you saw your parents fight over money, scrim, save and struggle because there wasn’t enough.

-No one ever told you that money is a spiritual energy. That money ebbs and flows. That money is meant to circulate.

-Remember your thoughts are creative. When we think money is bad and that you, yourself are a good person. There is a part of you that rejects money.

-You think today are the same thoughts you will have tomorrow. The only way to change your life is to change your thoughts.

-It’s not really the thought that needs to be changed. It’s the core belief that started you thinking in a certain way.

-Here is the easiest way to change a core belief. Listen in for details.

-How would you feel if you had enough money? How would you talk to yourself? How would you show up differently? These are a few questions to ponder.


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