Beth Nelson |Wisdom of Ageing Gracefully

What lights you up, why you are here, your passion and purpose? Awaken into the fullest version of yourselves at midlife. There’s value in women over 50 in what we have learned and the wisdom we share with the younger generations and so much more. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

Firestarter based on a book, inner examining about what lights you up, why you are here, your passion, purpose and so much more.

Who do you want to be today? How do you want to show up? Shift the patterns that we have gone down in our lives and ask does this sever me? To become the best version of me.

Bring up that boldness, pulling up that spark from within to really feel engaged with life.

3 phase of women, there’s no role of women over 50 in today’s society compared to the years past.  

There’s value in women over 50 in what we have learned and the wisdom we share with the younger generations. Awaken into the fullest version of yourselves at midlife and leave a meaningful impact on the world

Purpose, your reason for being here could be as simple as a good grandmother passing on something that sometime we brush over

Midlife shift is coming to terms for the first time understand mortality, injuries that can’t recover as fast, energy

How we feel about yourself and self-talk, belief it’s the beginning of the end.  It’s the middle. We are taking the wisdom and bringing it forth into the second phase.

A ruling principle is not to allow age to come into my vocabulary, oh I’m having a senior moment, self-correct by re-framing it.

What we say has a big influence on how we feel about ourselves.  If we are saying my knee hurts, my back hurts, I can’t remember, this getting old stuff…this is what we are perpetuating in our thoughts and beliefs, how we are out in the world.

Our brain gets full of all kinds of information, age, trauma, the way you eat, too much sugar, all effect our memory.

Age gracefully is about when mid-life taps you on the shoulder and says I’m not screwing around, let go of the limiting beliefs and discover who you truly are. 

Power of our thoughts and power of language shift how we see ourselves as we age. Also honor the vessel of your body by hydrating, supplements to support brain health, organic food, eat better, and feel better. I feel I’m wrapping self in self-care. Showing myself I’m valued.

It’s the small steps that we take that make the difference. It’s finding the habit and resilience to get back on if you fall off track, go astray, and fall back into old habits. Begin self-forgiving and asking for help when you need it. Requires a big commitment to yourself.

Make a sticky note to get into the new habit or set the glass of water out the night before to remind yourself in the morning to drink water in the morning.

Desire map-words about how you want to feel, the words that have power for you, your souls cry. Core desired word/feeling say 4 every morning in front of the mirror. You can tap into one of the words during the day and ask why do I want to feel …the word you chose such as bold?

Your core word will fuel you and bring you back to who you are.

You can also pick a word for the year.

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Connect with Guest:

Beth is an inspiration and leader for women who are ready to awaken into the fullest version of themselves at midlife and leave a meaningful impact on the world. As a Life Purpose Clarity Coach, confused and disengaged women in their 50’s and 60’s hire her to build the necessary confidence to reinvent themselves and create a life full of passion, purpose and authenticity. Her workshops, retreats, private coaching and on-line programs have helped hundreds of women to uncover their unconscious beliefs and make lasting change to feel more vital and engaged in midlife and beyond.

Beth created Ignited Women in 2016 to unleash the greatly under-utilized wisdom of midlife women into the world and foster a cultural shift in how they are seen and valued. As a yoga instructor, she has guided hundreds of women to a deeper quality of presence through movement and stillness.  She is a licensed Desire Map and Firestarter Facilitator and a 500-hour certified yoga teacher.

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