Transforming Struggle into Easy with the Angels

Have you ever been in that place where life gets so busy that you forget all your tools? You’re doing whatever you can just to get through the day. You’re feeling so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open, feeling lost and sliding backwards. The Angels answered by saying, “My child you are never off your path. You are always on it. Sometimes we take the wrong lane, but it’s free will. Now that you have asked we can help you get on a higher path.”  

Show Highlights:

Have you ever been in that place where life gets so busy that you forget all your tools like meditation, journaling and exercising? You’re doing whatever you can just to get through the day. You grab food on the run and start choosing unhealthy food because it’s quick and easy.

Your body starts to act up with stomach aches, heartburn, aches and pains. You’re feeling so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open so you grab another cup of coffee just to get through the morning.

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever worked really hard just to stay out of survival mode? Have you ever felt like everything is hard and is a struggle?  I don’t know about you but I’m tired of working hard and struggling.

I finally had a day off where I could wake up slowly, sipping my coffee and enjoy a quite morning of meditation.

I decided to do some automatic writing to my Angels. I shared what with you about how I was feeling lost and sliding backwards.

The Angels answered by saying, “My child you are never off your path. You are always on it. Sometimes we take the wrong lane, but it’s free will. Now that you have asked we can help you get on a higher path.” 

That reminds me of an affirmation I use to say, “I’m on my best and highest written path for my best and highest good.”  Guess I had better start saying it again.

Then I started reading some to the messages I channeled. A few of these messages were a good reminder and if they spoke to me I’m hoping you too will be touched by them. Here are a few that popped out to me today. I hope they inspire you as they did me.

Question: What do I need to let go of that is blocking my success? 

Angels: My child the success is already within you. All you have to do is step into it and claim it. The struggle you feel is within you, not outside of you. The key is to let go and trust. Trust that everything you need is there.

Question: How do I step into my power?

Question: How do I raise the consciousness of peace in the world?

Question: Please explain to me about disappointment? Why does it keep happening and what do I need to learn from it?

Question: What do weight and poverty have in common?

And so much more. Listen in to hear what the answers were from the Angels.

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