Success first starts in your mind, but a lot of times we let our thoughts or feelings take us out of the game. It’s about finding new resources or opportunities. Discover 4 steps to help you shift your mind from worry, don’t want or anxiety into an abundant successful mindset. Please subscribe/rate/review this episode
The Power of Asking
Discover how you can gain clarity on your heartfelt desire and what to do to when you are making a request, so that you can get more prosperity and abundance into your life and why it’s so important, plus so much more. Listen in for details… Show Highlights: Did you now when we are asking
The Keys To Manifesting Your Desire
Manifesting is intentionally creating or attracting what you want in your life. If you think about your life you’ve already manifested everything you have either consciously or not without meaning to. You can manifest anything from a feather to a house to a new job. It’s a power tool available to everyone. In this
Julia James | Connect with Your Inner Wisdom and Clarity
The more courageous you become the more fear and your gremlin appears. Discover how to talk back to your gremlin or concerns in an empowered state instead of letting the fear over take you and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: She takes people on what she calls a mini
5 Steps To A Life of Abundance
Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. When we worry over money it actually repels money. When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. When we show appreciation and gratitude for our money we actually call it forth.
Tincuta Nitu | The Mindset for Permanent Weight Loss
Discover how your mind plays into reducing your weight. People say it’s the body that needs to lose weight, but really it’s both the mind and the body. Listen in for an exercise on how to shift your mindset for thinness and so much more. Show Highlights: People say it’s the body that needs to
Meilin Ehlke | Sacred Healing Song
Receive a sacred healing song to shift your beliefs around abundance so that you can bring more abundance into your life from Meilin and learn how she came into her gift of song and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: She started out being pushed by her cats into shamanic healing.
3 Common Myths about Abundance
There are a lot of myths and beliefs about abundance and prosperity. Today, the myths I’m going to be talking about are closer to home. They are about you and what you think are true for you. Who wants to be labeled selfish? The rich are selfish. Are others more deserving of abundance than you?
Beth Nelson |Wisdom of Ageing Gracefully
What lights you up, why you are here, your passion and purpose? Awaken into the fullest version of yourselves at midlife. There’s value in women over 50 in what we have learned and the wisdom we share with the younger generations and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: Firestarter based on
My Learning from A Treadmill
Learn how a treadmill was manifested and the intuitive work need to get it into the house. A wish was born. I wish I had a treadmill, then I’d go for a walk. The wish moved on to a want. The want can stay a want, until you can make a decision. Once a decision