5 Steps To A Life of Abundance

Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. When we worry over money it actually repels money. When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. When we show appreciation and gratitude for our money we actually call it forth. Gratitude is the fastest path to abundance. Are you able to receive abundance when it comes your way?

Show Highlights:

When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source.              

People are an avenue, which your income comes from. They are not your source.

Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. When we worry over money it actually repels money. When we show appreciation and gratitude for our money we actually call it forth.

Worrying doesn’t let you enjoy the moment or activities with others and it uses up a lot of energy.

Gratitude is the fastest path to abundance

Are you able to receive abundance when it comes your way?

Intentions are like the banks for the river of abundance.

When you set intentions that are meaningful to you and feel them as already true.

Then you can open to the flow that is naturally yours.         

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