5 Steps to Stop Worrying About Money

When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. People are an avenue, which your income comes from. They are not your source. Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. Worry repels money. Discover 5 Steps to Stop Worrying

Brenda Roberts | Every Day Spirituality

Every day is a new opportunity for spiritual growth, peace and for greater harmony. Discover by having a closer relationship with the Divine you become filled with love, peace and happiness. Listen in as Brenda shares tips and insights to helping you build a deeper relationship with the Divine and so much more. Show Highlights:

Harriet Tubman Wright | Stress

Discover how stress keeps you from honoring who you truly are.  Uncover how to find your Divine purpose by listening to your inner creative self and the questions you need to ask yourself.  Discover how using positive mindset and using affirmations creates your desire. Learn to take care of yourself first, knowing you are enough