Jolen Philbrook | Why Affirmations Don’t Work

The thoughts that we think have energy. This energy or vibrational wave is what influences your subconscious mind, much like a radio wave. These waves go out into the Universe and align to what you want in order for you to achieve your goals. But most people thoughts are negative. By nature, your mind thinks negative. When you are thinking negative, it repels what you want. The key is to use language that won’t conflict with your subconscious. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

Affirmations are the building blocks of your foundation. Just like building a house, you have to establish a firm foundation before you can start building the frame of the house. The same is true when you are working towards manifesting a desire.

When you start using affirmations, the subconscious will either avoid the new statements or reevaluate your old beliefs. If you say or think a positive statement only once or twice, it is easy for your subconscious mind to avoid it, because your negative belief has been thought or said many times over and over again. However, if the affirmation is repeated often during the day, your subconscious mind is forced to shift the current belief.

Experts say that it takes 30 days to create a new habit or stop a bad one. When changing your belief system by using affirmations, the same rule would apply.

If you really do not believe what you are saying, just tweak it a little bit, until it is believable to you. If you are using I am and your mind argues with you, just be willing to starting your affirmations with an easier statement.

The key is to repeat your affirmation with a good feeling, which affects the subconscious mind and reprogram your thought process. It changes the way you think and behave by transforming your habits and actions, which creates a new way of being.


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