Jolen Philbrook | Mastering Your Inner State


Mastering Your Inner State

Show description:

Mastering your internal state doesn’t have to be hard when you know what to look out for. Are you living in regret or maybe resentment? Maybe, you are dwelling on a past event, where something happened to you? In this episode you will discover how…

-Resentment or regret would show up as fear in the future. Fear keeps you stuck and you don’t grow. When you are in fear it shuts down your learning and life experiences.

-The key here is to get a hold of you thinking and focus on the positive. When you focus on positive thoughts it shortens the window of past regret.

-The sooner you can retrain your brain to focus on the blessing of the situation the quicker you’ll be happy.

-By retraining your brain to think a positive thought, such as gratitude. You are now shifting your emotional state and your mental state.

-The past is just an experience that you had. You are the one choosing to label it good or bad.

-The present is just a moment in time and the future is only a thought away. My question to you is how do you want to live?


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