When is enough, enough?

How long do you want to struggle? How long do you want to suffer, stay stuck and unhappy? When is enough, enough? How much longer do you want to live this way? If you choose the hard road full of struggle. You will travel on this road until you call out for help. Saying, “I’ve had enough.” “When is enough, enough?” “How long do you want to struggle before you ask for help?” All it takes is a decision that you’ve had enough and it’s time for a change. These 4 steps will assist you…Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

When is enough, enough? How long do you want to struggle? How long do you want to suffer, stay stuck and unhappy? These were the questions, I asked myself.

My life was bobbing along, nothing great was going on. As a matter of fact, I was gaining weight, just broke up with my boyfriend after two years. I was over working and not having any fun in life. It seemed like I was just getting by, making just enough money to pay the bills.

Then, the other night I had a dream. Now typically, I don’t remember my dreams, but this one I did. I think because it had a message at the end of it.

The car spun around and now there was a fork in the road. The road ahead was long and smooth. The road to the right was up a mountain. It was steep, rock, and risky. Which road would you take?

The road disappears at the tip, top of the huge mountain. I’m hanging on to the steering wheel sitting with nothing but blue sky around me and grey granite boulders below. I scream out, “911, help!”

If you choose the hard road full of struggle. You will travel on this road until you call out for help. Saying, “I’ve had enough.”

Usually we get into this mess only to realize that we can’t get out of it alone and that is when we turn to Spirit and ask for help. But what if we could ask for help along the way? Wouldn’t our lives be easier?

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Have a question about the show or want to be a guest for a future show? Email me at: jolen@jolenphilbrook.com