Nancy Rose | Reconnect with Yourself

She helps women on the journey to reconnect with their highest self, so that they can now live from love, compassion, and abundance where anything is possible and so much more. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: What is a Light Diamond Priestess? We all heard about 2012, it opened up all the energies

How to Raise Your Prosperity Set Point

Do you feel your life is a struggle, where you can’t seem to get ahead? You feel anxious, fearful, depressed or worried about your finances thinking, “There is never enough money?” I’m going to reveal how you can stop feeling frustrated, scared, shameful and full of anxiety around not having enough money. Listen in for

5 Steps to Stop Worrying About Money

When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. People are an avenue, which your income comes from. They are not your source. Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. Worry repels money. Discover 5 Steps to Stop Worrying

3 Mistakes of Manifesting

Discover 3 Mistakes of Manifesting when it comes to creating your goals and desires. These few mistakes prevent you from achieving your dream and deepest desires. The good news is that they are easy to fix. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: -If you ask your friend what they want, usually they tell you