How Do You Talk About Money?

“Why can’t I get ahead?” “I struggle every month just to pay the bill.” “I don’t pay myself, as there is nothing left at the end of the month.” “I keep pulling money out of my savings, just to pay the bills.” Can you relate to any of these statements? I invite you to listen

Dot Claire | Money Flow Freedom

The movement of energy does makes a difference in our lives. Did you know that by shifting your environment you are releasing stagnant energy? There is a way to clear your space and claim your power so that your business thrives. By getting rid of something physically we are emotionally and mentally clearing ourselves and

Sean Douglas | Build Your Resilience Power

Resilience is your ability to withstand, recover and grow through adversity, stress and life demands. Discover great tips on how to bring resilience into your life and how hope brings peace. Learn how to build anticipation with an “I can do this attitude” and so much more. Listen in for more details… Please subscribe/rate/review this