4 Steps To Move Out Of Anxiety and Overwhelm

4 Steps To Move Out Of Anxiety and Overwhelm

Description of Episode:

Have you ever felt stuck, overwhelmed or worried about a finances in your life, wishing you could break free and solve the problem? Here are 4 steps to help move you out of fear, overwhelm and worry, so that you can make a clear decision and shift the energy. Listen in for details…

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Show Highlights:

This is a short, no nonsense Podcast training to assisting you in clearing and shifting prosperity blocks, mindset and so much more.

You are traveling down the road of life and all of a sudden you’re thrown you a curve ball, or the rug gets pulled out from under you. It seems hard to make a decision or find a solution to the problem?

The big problem or major decision can bring up all kind of emotions deep within you. Have you ever felt totally overwhelmed? Confused? Stressed? Caught up in fear, anger or doubt? Have you ever said, “Oh my gosh!” “I don’t know what to do!” Or maybe you might have thought, “How am I supposed to make a decision.” “I have no idea what to do.” Have you ever felt like that?

Fear, overwhelm and anxiety lets you know that you are out of alignment with love. Thoughts that dwell in anxiety manifest more of what you don’t want, which is lack, struggle, limitation, fear and not enough. 

When you avoid it, try to ignore it or even shove down the emotion it just prolongs it.

When something comes at you and you find yourself overcome with strong emotions such as fear, anger, worry which are low vibrational energies. It very hard to think, come up with a solution when you are in this state.

The good news is that there is a process you can follow to help move you through the emotion. Listen in to uncover the 4 step to move out of anxiety, fear and overwhelm.

Free gift:

Be sure to download your free MP3 meditation called Money, wealth and abundance at…. http://jolenphilbrook.com/gift/ As you listen to this audio it will unlock your prosperity from the inside out rewiring your mind to success and abundance.

For more interesting podcast check out: http://innerabundantmindset.com/podcast/

Have a question about the show or want to be a guest for a future show? Email me at: jolen@jolenphilbrook.com