Universal Truths About Manifesting

  The problem is lack of understanding the principles of abundance and the misjudgment of what is good and what is bad. Remember your thoughts are creative. When we think money is bad and that you, yourself are a good person. There is a part of you that rejects money. Here is the easiest way

How Do You Talk About Money?

“Why can’t I get ahead?” “I struggle every month just to pay the bill.” “I don’t pay myself, as there is nothing left at the end of the month.” “I keep pulling money out of my savings, just to pay the bills.” Can you relate to any of these statements? I invite you to listen

3 Mistakes of Manifesting

Discover 3 Mistakes of Manifesting when it comes to creating your goals and desires. These few mistakes prevent you from achieving your dream and deepest desires. The good news is that they are easy to fix. Listen in for more details. Show Highlights: -If you ask your friend what they want, usually they tell you