Rosie Aiello | You Can Triumph!

Description of Episode:

Do you have the “Please me disease?” Is it hard for you to say ‘no’ to others? Rosie Aiello lived for nearly 25 years in “her own personalized terror camp” being subjected to her husband’s financial abuse and psychological, emotional and verbal onslaught.

Until she executed an international escape to save her daughter and herself from that insidious abuse. Nearly mentally destroyed, she reinvented herself since arriving back in the United States, started her own business, and became a speaker, best-selling author and an international awarding-winning entrepreneur.

Rosie and her daughter are now sharing their powerful story of escape, healing and freedom in their upcoming memoir called 11 Hours to Freedom. She’s now helps women fulfill their potential, find their worth and voice, while helping them realize that they deserve to create a joyful life, and be treated with kindness.


Show Highlights:

-Knowing what your values are

-What value is important to you in a relationship, ex:  kindness, respect

-Know what your values are in order to set your boundaries

-Boundaries are your how you want people to treat you

-Boundaries are your honor system, how you honor yourself

-You have rights

-Saying ‘yes’ because you want to be liked, resentment builds, stand up for yourself

-How to set boundaries for yourself

-Seeking approval, saying ‘yes’ when I don’t want to, give self away,

-Not clear on your needs, learn how to ask for your wants and needs


Connect with Guest: 

Free Gift: 11 Steps to Ask Confidently for What You Want”

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