Robyn McTague | Self Care Is A Must!


Discover why it’s important to have healthy relationships and how others are a mirror for us. Learn how pattern gets installed into our neuro pathways and energy systems. We will continue to attract that which we don’t want until we clear it. Learn how to shift the belief that we are not good enough by taking care of your little one and reframing the energy and so much more. Listen in for more details.

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Show Highlights:

-Biggest lesson Robyn learned from her illness was to follow her heart to be a healer.

-It’s important to have healthy relationships as other people are a mirror for us.

-What others reflect back to us shows up in or personal life, work life, and business. There is always a growth aspect to a relationship.

-If there is someone who keeps disappointing us, there is often a parent or a key relationship who disappointed us?

-The pattern gets installed into our neuro pathways and energy systems. We will continue to attract that until we clear it.

-What Robyn learned was to take care of her little child and reframe the energy.

-When we can be honest with ourselves, then we can talk to the person about it.

– If you are around someone who is belittling you, the first thing is awareness. Ask yourself, “How am I reacting to this?”

-Talk to others who are not in that relationship, so that you can see how loveable you are.

-You are okay the way you are.

-We grow up with a belief that we are not good enough.

-Key is to understand we are all unique. What is the underlining piece for you that connects to your spirit? We need to look mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

-We know who we are inside and that can’t be taken away from us.

-We beat ourselves up so much that it’s on auto pilot. 

-What we need to do is interrupt those patterns and bring in new thoughts.

-Simple things like changing up your routine can help switch the brain to unlock the pattern.

-Have a mantra or ask, “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?”

-Question those thoughts by asking, “Whose voice is this?”

-Kindness is really about being compassionate to ourselves.

-When we can turn in to the external of kindness then we can feel it, and embody it.

-By sharing kindness it spreads.


Connect with Guest:

Robyn McTague is a Master Holistic Healer, is a bestselling author, teacher and creator of A Life of Choice coaching. She has experienced breast cancer and Hepatitis C, and other challenges. Her mission is to assist others in their healing journeys, in a safe, practical and gentle way. 


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