Erin Summ | Secrets to Lasting Confidence

Confidence is about the inner game where you feel worthy, loving, good enough. Inside you believe in yourself. Confidence is about knowing you are amazing because of who you are not the degrees you have. Being shy and being introverted are totally different.  No one is born shy, we develop it. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

-Being shy and being introverted are totally different. Shy is created to keep us safe, with shyness we go inwards. No one is born shy, we develop it.

-Introvert means you like alone time to recharge. Extroverts need to go out and be around people to recharge.

-Confidence is about the inner game where you feel worthy, loving, good enough. Inside you believe in yourself.

-Confidence is about knowing you are amazing because of who you are not the degrees you have.

-As women are taught to put other people first and that we are not deserving. Women don’t give themselves time to fill up their own cup. If you don’t take the time for yourself then you’ll burn yourself out. 

-3 types of stress, alert, resistance and exhaustion. As entrepreneurs we push ourselves into exhaustion.

– Were you shy and invisible? My vision was bigger than my fears. In my college days I panic on the inside, just thinking about asking a question, being seen and speaking up in class. What helped was learning about introversion, which is take things in and responding later. Now Erin has tons of confidence, speaking on stages, being interview and so forth.

– Build your confidence: join a networking company. If I don’t do something different, I’ll stay the same. The company was out of her comfort zone and then she met a coach.

-Learned how to change your thoughts. You can choose how you react and respond.

-I knew I wanted to help other women be more confident too.

-Need to know what your vision is for your life. Make it much bigger than your living. Keep your eye on the big picture, which help move you though the fear, confusion and overwhelm.

-If you don’t have the big vision, you’ll get stopped and stuck with the road block.

– Pick a word for the year to motivate you though the year.

-Vision workshops: what’s holding you back, not worthy, deserving. Helps us grow by making the vision bigger.

-Abundant mindset is where you feel confident that you can have the things that you want. Trusting the things that are the best are going to come to you. Great things happening in your life, like joy and confidence.

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Erin Summ is an International Confidence Consultant, sought after speaker, author of Stand Up and Shine: 60 Day Confidence Discovery Journal and co-author of Catch Your Star. She hosts her own events and webinars, supporting women business owners to get past their own fears, gain confidence and make more money. She has been seen on Morning Blend on ABC 10 in Sacramento.


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