Dr. Nancy Tarr Hart

Abundance verses flourishing. Most people think abundance is having cash. Abundance is really a knowing that in all areas of your life you are able to say I’m grateful for this. Turn your muckiness around to abundance. Acknowledge the yucky, by telling yourself I’m in this bad place, then find one thing that makes you

How Do You Talk About Money?

“Why can’t I get ahead?” “I struggle every month just to pay the bill.” “I don’t pay myself, as there is nothing left at the end of the month.” “I keep pulling money out of my savings, just to pay the bills.” Can you relate to any of these statements? I invite you to listen

How To Move Out Of Fear In 3 Steps

Learn the style of thinking and feeling that has been keeping you a prisoner, trapped in a lifestyle that no longer serves you. All emotions boil down to fear. It’s the feeling of fear that stops you from being successful and asserting yourself to live the life you desire. Discover the three levels of fear

Harriet Tubman Wright | Stress

Discover how stress keeps you from honoring who you truly are.  Uncover how to find your Divine purpose by listening to your inner creative self and the questions you need to ask yourself.  Discover how using positive mindset and using affirmations creates your desire. Learn to take care of yourself first, knowing you are enough