Set Yourself Up For Success with These Easy 6 Steps

Discover four important questions to ask yourself. Winter is the perfect time of year to look back over the year and celebrate all of your accomplishment. This time of year is about reflecting on what has been and what you want to accomplish in the next year. To freely listen from your heart and be open to what you will receive in the New Year.

Show Highlights:

To me this is a magical time of year, as I can start fresh. This time of year is about reflecting on what has been and what you want to accomplish in the next year.

Freely listen from your heart and be open to what you will receive in the New Year. You never know what surprises the Universe has in store for you.

Just before the New Year a friend and I get together and review our goals from the previous year. I am always amazed at what I accomplished. I pick one hairy goal that scares me, so I can stretch and grow into it.

Here are the steps my friend and I do every year. We set our big goals that we want to accomplish and one scary goal for the year.

Then we set our First quarterly goals and from that we set our first monthly goal and from that we decide what our goals are for the week. I think why it works so well for us is that we check in with each other once a week to see what was accomplished that week.

The question to ask yourself is what is one thing you want to accomplish is each area of your life.

If you are good in one area my advice is not to set a goal around it.

Making a goal is very important in trying to create what you want in your life. Just thinking about the goal or the outcome is not enough.

Discover four important questions to ask yourself

Learn why these 6 goal setting steps are so important in accomplishing your goals.

When you have achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of having done so.

What is the one thing you’d like to accomplish this year?

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