Robin Badler | Manifestation Accelerator









Discover the many myths we have around money and manifesting. Learn what the new paradigm is around prosperity. Uncover how to use your attitude to your benefit. Learn why you don’t have to clear all your limiting beliefs in order to manifest more money and so much more. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

-A lot of people say you need to feel worthy and deserving in order to have money. That’s just not true.

-All you need to do is just say, “Yes” and accept who you are.  Have the attitude this is who I am and I can have what I want anyway.

-There’s a belief that you have to clean up all your limiting beliefs before you can have what you want.

-Discover what a broken heart and prosperity have to do with each other?

 -You have lost trust and belief in everything. Hopeless and abandon, if you don’t love yourself enough then nobody can love you. This is a huge myth

-Attitude is everything when you are manifesting. Your attitude is what you are putting out to the Universe.

-Fear, anger, shame are just emotions. It’s how you use them that is important. You can use them to stop you or use it as fuel to accomplish your goal.

-It’s said you can’t manifest in fear. Learn why this is a myth.

-We are taught to treat the Universe like a vending machine. Uncover the myths you are taught behind the energy of the Universe.

-Journaling your money story helps you to understand it better and changing it.

-When you have an item you are deciding to keep or get rid of ask yourself, “How does it make you feel?” Items that make you feel good puts you in a prosperous mindset. It’s a good idea to remove all unbeneficial energy of items you bring into your home.


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Free gift:  3 Keys to Manifesting all the money, men & mayhem you want (Video &pdf).

Robin Badler is an Emotional Demon Slayer and Manifestation Accelerator.

She works with women of power and presence who have heard the whispers long enough and are ready to shut them the hell up.



Be sure to download your free MP3 meditation called Money, wealth and abundance at….  As you listen to this audio it will unlock your prosperity from the inside out rewiring your mind to success and abundance.

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