Michelle Manning Kogler | Finding Real Serenity In Insane Times

Description of Episode:

Most people think trauma is a huge event, but it could be as small as a look. This energy gets passed down through the DNA. It gets imprinted in the body and is generational. Emotion is past residue from a past experience. We suppress an emotion because we have other things to do. Almost all pain has an emotional component to it, even chronic pain. The body is trying to tell you something. If there is pain there is something else going on and so much more. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

Most people think trauma is a huge event, but it could be as small as a look. You know, the mom look. This energy can stick to you from childhood and gets lodged in your body. The fear that someone who loves you is going to do you harm.

This energy gets passed down through the DNA. It gets imprinted in the body and is generational.

Many beliefs are trained into us.  

Emotion is past residue from a past experience.

She see what is stuck in the body and what’s been passed down from generation to generation as well as what the soul is here to learn. She release the stuck old pattern by going into the field.

Almost all pain has an emotional component to it, even chronic pain. The body is trying to tell you something. If there is pain there is something else going on.

The western society doesn’t value bodies speaking to us. We suppress an emotion because we have other things to do. If we can get in touch with the abundance of information our body has we can understand where it started.

Feeling a stab in your back, it could be betrayal. The heart charka has a front and backside to it that both need clearing.

Chiropractors are very helpful in realigning the body as you do the emotional clearing.

People look outside themselves for abundance. The answers are within us not outside of us. People are more in control of their emotions than they think they are.

We are abundantly spiritual, mentally, physical. It’s about aligning to the energy of abundance at every level. As a soul in a physical being, we are abundant and when we can tap into that –that’s the key. When we can flow in that energy that is the ultimate being-ness.

Abundant mindset is about appreciation and gratitude. Even the small things or big things, like the dark night of the soul are really blessings. From that come abundance and prosperity and a greater expression of who you are.

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