Discover how you can gain clarity on your heartfelt desire and what to do to when you are making a request, so that you can get more prosperity and abundance into your life and why it’s so important, plus so much more. Listen in for details…
Show Highlights:
Did you now when we are asking for something to come into our lives we are really working on two different levels?
On one level we have the goal drive side of life. This is the part where we take action to achieve our goal and then there’s the Divine side.
This is the part where we are still and listen for guidance. You need both in order to reach any goal you have set for yourself.
I’m curious what do you want? Have you taken the time to really ask yourself what it that you would really like to experience? What do you really, really want?
You may wonder why is it so important to know what it is that we want to request from the universe. Doesn’t the universe know what we want?
The universe matches the energy you send out. But the problem is that we have too many choices and then can’t decide or change our mind mid-stream.
The energy you just sent out starts working to fulfill your desire, but if a belief comes up or you get wishy washy the energy gets slowed down, muddled, and even stops until you make a clear decision. If you enjoyed this video and would like to know more please join my Facebook group called abundant mindset inner circle…
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