6 Traits Wealthy People Have

The things wealthy people do are different than what most people do. They have a different mindset and belief about money. The rich think different. The poor want things but FEAR to go get it. The RICH want it they PUSH forward and go through the fear. There is a flip/switch that goes on in your brain like the light switch being flipped on. Discover 6 traits wealthy people have in this episode.


Show Highlights:

The things wealthy people do are different than what most people do.

They have a different mindset and belief about money.

The rich think different. The poor want things but FEAR to go get it.

RICH want it they PUSH forward and go through the fear. There is a flip/switch that goes on in your brain like the light switch being flipped on.

Do you desire to be wealthy? Are you taking act on your desire?

You can’t have success and failure at the same time.

Create the mindset to be wealthy. Decide to be wealthy without knowing how to do it.

Put yourself out there. Take a risk. Think outside the box. Look at the market place and see what is working and do things differently. Hire your weakness.

Watching 1 hour of TV a day watching is 8 weeks a year. That’s 2 months you might have done something.

You have to become someone different.

You have to change your thinking.

What do you have to change about me to create what I want? Be willing to go through some discomfort. Do it often until you get better at it and the discomfort becomes less.

Learn to let go. What is in the past is gone.

Most people look at the present through the eyes of the past. Learn to let go of whatever isn’t moving you forward. Thinking of that past and what is not working.

How long have you been hanging on to it, carrying it around? Letting it burn up your energy. Where are you burning your energy? Letting go is speaking up.

Successful people move on from the loss. Use your imagination to create what you want, like planting a seed of success not failure.

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Have a question about the show or want to be a guest for a future show? Email me at: jolen@jolenphilbrook.com