Kim Julen | 3 KEYS to Finding Your Fiji

Is your money going out the door? Did you know your stove relates to your wealth?

Uncover the 3 areas that affect your abundance and wealth in your life and how to shift it so that you can keep your prosperity. Clearing things out of a room can make a huge difference in your life. Clutter blocks your wealth. It is a heavy energy and stuck energy. When we have a lot of clutter it blocks you, your vision, and can even causes you to gain weight. Worst yet it blocks your abundance from coming to you and so much more. Listen in for more details.


Show Highlights:

– Uncover how Feng Shui helps with our abundant mindset

-Clearing things out can make a difference in your life

-Feng Shui helps to change your life and fast. It’s a combination of art and science.

-Is your money going out the door? Discover how to shift this so that you can keep your money.

-Uncover the 3 areas effect your abundance and wealth in your life.

-The number 9 in Feng Shui is a good number, lucky, reaching new heights, boost the energy. 

-Did you know your stove relates to your wealth? The stove is your wealth. In the olden days the more you can feed the more wealth you have.

-Set the intention when you’re cleaning the stove to bring in abundance.

– Where is the wealth corner located? Your wealth corner is the far, back left corner and it impacts us and our income.

-The shapes of things are related to the elements for example: round –metal, rocks-earth, black color- water, wealth corner element is wood, plant is wood, and mirror is water. Plants that grow up is good to have your wealth grow upwards.

-Create a wealth alter in any room if your real wealth corner is a strange room like the bathroom or closet.

– Does clutter impact our abundance? It is a heavy energy and stuck energy. When we have a lot of clutter it blocks us, our vision, causes us to gain weight and block the abundance from coming to you.

-Writing on to many scrapes of paper. Spiral notebooks replace the paper.

-End of the day clear off your desk. Allows you to have a fresh slate. Mind is clearer.

-Avoiding doing things? Do the work that you are inspired to do. If you are avoiding it then the time may not be right or a belief could be stopping you.

-Abundant mindset means everything is available to you.

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Connect with Guest: Finding Your Fiji LLC

Free gift: 9 Fast Feng Shui Fixes to Attract Abundance

About: Kim Julen, founder of Finding Your Fiji, is a Spiritual Mentor, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner and Angel Card Reader. Kim brings harmony to your head, heart and home by helping you navigate life with ease and grace, tapping into your intuitive guidance and creating an environment that energetically supports you.

Kim Julen, Shift Master Coach

WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

Certified Angel Card Reader


Be sure to download your free MP3 meditation called Money, wealth and abundance at….  As you listen to this audio it will unlock your prosperity from the inside out rewiring your mind to success and abundance.

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