Zak Lioutas | Bouncing Back

Move out of depression into happiness. Learn how to find a sense of purpose and enhance your happiness while you tap into infinite possibilities.  Start living the way you desire, while enjoying life and so much more. Listen in for more details.

Show Highlights:

-This is the only life that we have. How do you want to live?

-It’s not how many times you fall it how many times you get back up.

-Intense depression-2 yrs of hitting rock bottom,  going through the suffering of ego as my spirit comes to life. That’s when life really started to change.

-Affirm: I may not feel that I’m in my full power right now, however I am open to receive my full power. 

-30 days to rewire your mind, 3 months to cement new beliefs. Working both with thoughts and emotions. Key make sure the affirmation is in alignment with the emotion and your vision.

-Start with your mind. Once you program it your mind will do it on its own.

-Our emotions run wild, use the angry for fuel to motivate yourself.  You have the choice to change your emotions.

-Ask: What emotion am I feeling right now? Is anger still there? Is it fueling me?

-Move from depression to happiness. Why am I allowing this emotions to take over? I’m open to receiving more happiness in my life right now.

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Zak Lioutas is a Spiritual Teacher/Intuitive Advisor. She assists men and women travelling through a crossroads in their life, find a sense of purpose, enhance their happiness, tap into their infinite possibilities, encouraging people to start living the way they desire, while enjoying life as they learn through their healing process. She also works with light workers in assisting them to recognize their gifts and their superpowers in helping humanity.


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